A Legacy of Service in the Pursuit of Fairness and Justice

70th Anniversary: 1950 - 2020

A Legacy of Service in the Pursuit of Fairness and Justice image


raised towards $70,000 goal



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70th Anniversary: 1950 - 2020

Legal Aid Celebrates 70 Years of Serving the Community

1950 - 2020

Founded in 1950 by Judge Betty M. Vitousek, Legal Aid is the state's oldest and largest non-profit, public interest law firm dedicated to helping the most vulnerable in our community. We work to ensure everyone is treated with respect, compassion, and justice when navigating the legal system. As we honor our history this year with our 70th Anniversary, we look towards fulfilling our vision of Building a Just Society.

To learn more about the impact of civil legal help, please join our newsletter (link) and visit www.legalaidhawaii.org for more information.

Vision: "Building a Just Society"

Mission: "The mission of the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii is to address critical legal needs through high quality legal advocacy, outreach, and education in the pursuit of justice and fairness."

Bethel St. Improvement Campaign

The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii occupies both floors of the historic Friend Building on the intersection of Bethel Street and Merchant Street in the Chinatown District of Honolulu. Built in 1887, the building is listed on both the National Register of Historic Places and the State Register of Historic Places as part of the Merchant Street Historic District.
The purpose of the proposed building improvements are to improve safety, confidentiality, and the more efficient use of space to create a better environment for both clients and staff. The proposed improvements include:
  • Renovating the ground floor for the purpose of creating a more secure reception and waiting area separate from the meeting/counseling spaces and administrative offices.
  • Providing additional client meeting rooms and upgrades to existing conference and meeting rooms.
  • The renovation will include the relocation of air conditioning condensers located at the rear of the building to allow for a proposed emergency exiting path.

To support this campaign, please designate Bethel St. Improvement Campaign in your donation.

Thank you!